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Download from Rapidshare with Free Download Manager

Download manager satu ini bener² TOP!
Ga percaya percaya?Ya iyalah lom dicoba gmn mau percaya??
cobain dl gih... He3x..
Salah satu kelebihan dr FDM (Free Download Manager) adalah dpt mendownload file link dari rapidshare en download flash video dari web semacam Youtube,mau tau caranya?baca tutornya dibawah tuh..

Using the Free Account (non-premium users):
  1. Make sure to enable browser monitoring (available in Options | Download Options | Monitoring in the menu). Internet Explorer and Firefox are supported.
  2. Open the RapidShare download URL in the browser (entering the URL manually in FDM may not work). Scroll down the page and select Free:
  3. Wait for as long as required. When the download is ready, enter the captcha code and click the Download button:
    FDM will capture the download.
Note. Resuming, as well as restarting downloads is not supported for non-premium users. So if you want to re-download the file (i.e. in case the download is broken), open the URL in the browser again.
Please remember that RapidShare limits the size of files you can download. To learn more, see RapidShare FAQ.

Using the Premium Account:
Premium users can enter the RapidShare download URL in FDM directly. To do so, click the button in the toolbar. In the dialog enter the URL of the file you want to download, then check the User name and password are required box and enter your login and password. Hit OK:
Alternatively, you can open the RapidShare download URL in the browser. Scroll down the page and select Premium:
Enter your login and password and hit Login.
Note. You need to log in only once. Then your login and password will be remembered.
Select Download. FDM will capture the download.

Use FDM to download flash video from YouTube

Downloading YouTube flash videos with Free Download Manager is quick and simple!
YouTube is one of the most popular video sharing sites where users can upload, view and share video clips. You can use Free Download Manager to perform flash video downloads from YouTube at a great speed.
To download flash videos from YouTube with FDM, follow the steps:
  1. Select Flash Video Downloads tab.
  2. Go to Flash Video Downloads menu › Create flash video download or click the button in the toolbar.
  3. Enter the file URL in the appeared Create flash video download dialog box.
  4. If you want to automatically convert downloaded videos to another format, specify the format and tick the option Automatically convert downloaded video to the specified format.
  5. Click OK to finish.
Note. You can convert videos after downloading. To do so, press the Convert button to the right of the preview window, specify convert options and press OK.
You can also create YouTube video download using the context menu (this option is available in Internet Explorer and Firefox):
  1. In the YouTube site, right-click on the thumbnail of a video you would like to download.
  2. In the context menu, select a downloading option that suits your needs best.
  3. Click OK in the appeared Add download window to finish.

usefull banget!

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