Quote of the Day

When Tomorrow Start Without Me

When tomorrow starts without me

And I'm not there to see

If the sun should rise and find your eyes

All filled with tears for me.

I wish so much you wouldn't cry

The way you did today

While thingking of the many things

We didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me

As much as I love you

And each time that you think of me

I know you'll miss me too.

But tomrrow starts without me

Please try to understand

That an angel came and called my name

And took me by the hand.

And said my place was ready

In haven far above

And that I'd have to leave behind

All those I dearly love.

But when I walled through haven's gates

I felt so much at home

When God looked down and smiled at me

From his great golden throne.

He said "this is eternity

And all I have promised you

for life on earth is past

But here it starts anew."

"I promise no tomorrow

For today will always last

and since each day's the same way

There is no longing for the past."

So when tomorrow starts without me

Don't think we're far apart

For every time you think of me

I'm right here in your heart.

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WKkakak.. jayus banget nih Cinta Laura

Download: mp3 Cinta Laura-Becek > Here

[Video] Friendster Hacking - Evolution!

March 7th, 2008 by Th0R

Remember my videos back in my previous thread? Aha! If you’re one of those people who wish to see the rest of the videos which are listed in my book’s CD, welcome to the Friendster Hacking Video Evolution, Welcome home! Hahaha. This topic will gave you all download links related to my other videos on my book’s CD!

Just like before these videos are the ones which stored within the CD given along with the book when you purchase it. It’s kinda save for all of you guys to watch it (lawl) since it’s using a visual interaction in order to explain shits - With a little Indonesian and some scripts inside. I believe all of you guys will still understand what is the meaning of the techniques explained on the video.

Here are the links:

- Friendster Hacking 01

- Friendster Hacking 02

- Friendster Hacking 03

Note: The password for all of those links will be “PnR1eGllZm9ydGU8″ (With no quote)

For those Indonesian whose willing to know more about the Friendster Hacking techniques and updates, you guys can still purchase my book from every of the Gramedia Bookstore(s) in all over Indonesia. It’s quite easy to find, since the quantity of the book’s copies are large and they are mostly stored within the “Best Selling” rack.

Th0R - http://www.th0r.info

Paypal Hacking Tricks Still Working!

The word “Paypal Trick” will not be such a weird word or something like alien for those who’ve been in the Black Hat major field for sometimes. Yes! The trick that can help you to buy anything just as cheap as US$0.1 or even cheaper by editing several HTML codes and value within the merchant’s sites.

For those who don’t really catch up with what I am talking about, I’m sorry, I can not and will not explain in details what’s on the earth is that “Paypal Trick”. But well, why don’t you try your luck on Uncle Google - Hopefully (And I believe so) you’ll be finding several articles about it, since this kind of trick(s) is actually quite public and patched nearly anywhere!

But guess what?! It’s kinda shocking that there are still some (In a quite huge numbers) of websites that is still vulnerable to this kind of attack - For example: GuitarMasterClass and PayLoadz!

What can we actually purchased from those websites?! Well, why don’t you spend a minute or two of your life to click on those links and try to find out what are they selling to each of their customers. I can say that those are useless things for me, but I would never says that those kind of materials useless for everyone - Guitarist wannabe for example, they will really love the first site I gave you up there. Lawl.

So, why don’t you go and try checking up on several more websites, and finds out how their websites taking care of this “Paypal Trick” matters. Wops! I don’t think that is a good sentence to be spoken here.

Source: Th0R

Rahasia Bulan Lahir

elain dapat membaca kepribadian orang dari tanggal lahir,kita juga dapat mengetahui sedikit atau bahkan banyak kepribadian seseorang dari bulan dia dilahirkan.karena dalam satu tahun ada dua belas bulan,jadi kepribadian seseorang berdasarkan bulan lahir dikelompokkan menjadi dua belas,yaitu sebagai berikut :

Orang yang dilahirkan pada bulan januari biasanya memiliki kepribadian yang tenang,pendiam,dapat dipercaya,mandiri,teliti,pintar dalam mengatur keuangan,dan berwibawa.namun,dia kurang aktif dalam pergaulan.jalanhidupnyabayak dipengaruhi oleh orang yang berada di dekatnya.

Dia senang dipuji,agak pemalas,keras hati,dan cenderung tidak mau mengalah apalagi kepada orang yang dikenal dekat.dia juga manja dan setiap memiliki kemauan,cenderung harus dituruti semuanya terutama kepada orang yang disukainya.Asyiknya berteman dengannya ,dia suka humor.namun hati-hati,dia juga mudah tersinggung.Oya dia sedikit pelupa.makanya,terkadang jika janji dengannya kadang tidak terpenuhi.Namun,dia tetap hormat dan meghargai orang lain koq.

Orang yg dilahirkan pada bulan maret biasanya pemalu dan tertutup.Namun perkataannya jujur dan dapat dipercaya.Dia juga baik hati dan mudah iba kepada orang yang membutuhkan pertolongan.jangan salah,dia mempunyai selera tinggi loh..

Sama dengan orang yang lahir pada bulan Februari,dia senang dipuji.Dia juga orangnya cerdastapi keras kepala dan tidak suka diperintah.Meskipun dia mudah bosan,tetapi dalam hal berteman dia tidak pilih-pilih kawan.Cuma,kata-katanya saja yang kurang dapat dipercaya,terutama jika tanpa hitam diatas putih.Jika berhubungan bisnis dengannya dia cenderung mencari keuntungan sepihak bagi dirinya.Dia termasuk orang yang pintar dalam mengatur keuangan.

kebalikan dengan orang yang lahir pada bulan Februari dan April,orang yang dilahirkan pada bulan Mei biasanya tidak senang dipuji apalagi "dijilat".Tindak tanduknya dalam pekerjaan cukup hebat.Selain memiliki selera tinggi dia juga cerdas dan fokus pada pekerjaan,namun sayang dia agak boros.

Orang yang dilahirkan pada bulan Juni biasanya suka berpikir yang muluk-muluk.Mungkin karena hal tersebut dia menjadi romantis,suka menolong,dan selalu ceria.Namun sayang sifat baiknya itu tidak ditunjang dengan pendiriannya yang kurang tegas.

Dia suka berkhayal,senang dipuji,setia kawan,dan senang menolong sesama.Dia juga cerdas dan pintar berbicara,tetapi jika sedang marah,kata-katanya cenderung menusuk perasaan orang lain.Selain itu,sifat negatifnya adalah dia agak pemalas,terutama untuk sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan rutinitas.

Orangnya mudah tersinggung,terutama jika hal tersebut datang dari pihak selain keluarga dan saudara.Namun,dia berpendirian,rajin dalam bekerja,memiliki kemampuan manajemen yang baik,sayang pada keluarga,dan pintardalam menjaga kesehatan diri.

Orang yang dilahirkan paa bulan September biasanya emosional.namun dia dapat dipercaya dan baik hati terutama kepada keluarga.Dalam masalah uang dia termasuk orang yang royal.

Orangnya tidak sabaran dan kurang fokus pada pekerjaan.Namun dia memiliki tekad untuk maju,rajin,berjiwa besar,pintar bicara,tidak pelit,dan cenderung boros apalagikepada keluarga dan orang yang disukai.Asyiknya berteman dengannya dia pintar menyenangkan hati orang lain.

Orang yang dilahirkan pada bulan November biasanya memiliki kepribadian yang sabar,tekun dalam bekerja,terampil dan cekatan terutama pada pekerjaan yang membutuhkan ketelitian dan sesuai dengan minatnya.Pintar menyenangkan hati orang lain dan baik hati terutama pada orang yang sudah dikenal dekat.Dia juga royal jika menyangkut kesenangan bersama.

Berkepribadian keras,ulet dan cekatan dalam bekerja,perkataannya terang-terangan,dan mudah menaruh kepercayaan pada orang lain terutama pada orang yang sering berbuat baik padanya.namun dia selalu maun menang sendiri dan sedikit boros untuk hal-hal kecil.

Nokia N-SeriesPack

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CodeBreaker V 9.3 for PS2

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The best and ultimate cheat program for all PS2 games.

Do you have any old games that sit on the shelf because they are frustratingly complicated, or simply lost playability because you've done all you can with them? Well, if they happen to be PS2 games, take them down and let the Code Breaker from Pelican Accessories give them new life. The Code Breaker is just that, a device that alters a game's code, unlocking certain abilities such as invincibility, unlimited ammo, infinite time, hidden characters, invisibility, secret vehicles, and much, much more. On top of all this, the Code Breaker claims to be the most effective, most versatile and easiest to use cheat device on the market. We asked, "Is it?"
Most effective? So far, yes. All versions of the Code Breaker work with any PS2 console, regardless of built-in encryption protection. Most versatile? Again, yes. Not only does it come with twenty-three hundred pre-loaded codes for over eleven hundred games, but more codes can also be added and stored on any memory card. New codes are also posted daily at cmgsccc.com in conjunction with the release of new games. Plus, the Code Breaker accepts both GameShark and Action Replay 2 codes as well. Easiest to use? That depends. The entire Code Breaker package consists of one disk (no dongle), and the interface is pretty easy to navigate. However, new codes can't be stored without a memory card.
All in all the Code Breaker is a pretty impressive product. It makes good games great and great games better. It can even do something for the crappy ones.

Personal review:
I have myself used it for god of war and many other games.wonderful wonderful experience.now I can beat any game.There are a few points to remember.

1.This program or device as they call it will work on almost all ps2 consoles (moded or not both).
2.the program is to be burned on a cd since it is a cd image.use nero or what ever program u have.Hell u can use a cd-rw for that purpose.
3.Remember that Ps2 games are region specific. it means almost all games have a USA , a European and a Japanese versions.This program will only work for USA version games.But this is ,I guess shouldn’t be a problem since I get many USA version games here in Europe and Asia .Furthermore if u want a cheating device(program) for European versions ,find Actionreplaymax evo edition(it’s the latest).if u want a cheating device(program) for Japanese versions or Japanese Ps2 games, use Xploder .Mind u its Japanese language and latest version is version 5.happy hunting for those.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - English version only

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This is only English version of PES 2008.
After you download this version burn your files with NERO,this is not Image File and you must select in NERO that you want create Data DVD.
You will notice in your downloaded files thaht you have Folder-named(PES 2008 crack) ,but you will don't need them. Because when you gona install your game the game will be allready cracked. Soo.. after you install you can go,and play your game.

On the start of your installation select language for installation (English),after that you must put serial number [you will find TXT document,named *serial * of course :) ]
...now you will have option to select a setup type. Both methods are fine.
But if you choose Complete selection you will recive some erros [ignore all and continue your installation]
And if you select Custom you will be able to select features,and select only English(In-game txt),repeat that also for Comentary Laguage,press Next and that's it.

That's all from me .... enjoy in your GAME !!

RARpass: shareddl.info

Nero 8 Ultra Edition - ver./

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Nero 8 is a software solution that brings the digital world to your PC with features that make it fun and easy to create multimedia projects with high-quality, professional results. Create MP3 mixes and edit vacation videos in High Definition format. Share content around the world with simple Internet upload functions. Burn a disc with just one click, and then enjoy it in any room in your house with versatile streaming features. Rest easy knowing your data is safe in the event of a system crash or a damaged disc. Nero 8 lets you live the digital life with cutting-edge technology and world-class features.

New and Improved Features in Nero 8 :
* Direct access to all features from the project launcher
* High Definition format support
* Xbox 360™ and PlayStation® 3 streaming features
* Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD burning support
* SecurDisc data protection support
* Copy a disc with just one click
* Graphics optimized for Windows Vista™
* Continual free updates

DOWNLOAD: Nero 8 Ultra Edition ...part 1
DOWNLOAD: Nero 8 Ultra Edition ...part 2

Advanced Encryption Package 2008 Professional

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Typically you encrypt files because you don't want others to see them, but sometimes you want to send someone an encrypted file. Most if not all encryption programs allow you to do so--they vary, however, in terms of how difficult the process is.
*AEP2008 PRO most noteworthy feature may be its flexibility: Not only can you encrypt files for your own protection but you can easily create "self-decrypting" versions of your files that others can run without needing AEP2008 PRO or any other software.

The program includes a file shredder that wipes the contents of your original files. It also integrates nicely with Windows Explorer, allowing you to use Explorer's context menus and avoid having another window clutter your screen. It also uses military grade encryption for protecting your private files. Program includes 17(!) undustrial encryption algorithms: DESX, BLOWFISH, RIJNDAEL(AES), CAST, 3-DES, RC2, DIAMOND2, TEA, SAFER, 3-WAY, GOST, SHARK, SQUARE, SKIPJACK, TWOFISH, MARS, SERPENT.
The latest version has support for RSA algorithm and Public-Private Key cryptography.
One key is kept secret and is referred to as the private key while the other is made available to others and is called the public key since anyone can access this key.
-These keys are large mathematically-related numbers derived from algorithms that form a unique pair. Either key may be used to encrypt a message, but only the other corresponding key is used to decrypt the message. AEP Command Line Tool has support for all RSA alg. features.
AEP2008 PRO supports skins technology and has 10 nice additional skins.
Complete support for Command Line Interface. Support for USB Flash Drives to store passwords in protected form.

TuneUp Utilities 2008 - ENG_ver./ 7.0.7991 Final

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* TuneUp Utilities® 2008 optimizes the performance of your computer, corrects problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your needs. It combines important aspects of system configuration, security, cleaning and maintenance under a modern interface.
- You can remove unnecessary files from your hard disk(s), clean and optimize the registry, tweak your internet connection settings, recover deleted files, optimize memory and more. In addition, you can analyze your system, receive automatic suggestions for potential performance improvements and view detailed hardware information.
-TuneUp Utilities also includes an Uninstaller, registry Editor, Task Manager and even an Undelete tool to recover files that have been deleted from the recycle bin. A very nice tool, with many features that will appeal to novice as well as advanced users.
TuneUp Utilities 2008 makes Windows faster, more secure, and comfortable. All important aspects of system configuration, security, cleaning and maintenance are combined under a modern graphical user interface.


- TuneUp Utilities 2008 - Start Center
- Reliable Protection for Your Data
- Simple Hard Disk Organization
- Simple Windows Customization
- Perfect Error Correction
- Simple 1-Click Maintenance
- Optimum Start Acceleration
- Internet and Windows Acceleration
- Secure Data Rescue and Deletion
- Individual Windows styling

Your TuneUp Utilities advantages:

- NEW! Configures Internet Explorer 7, Firefox 2, Windows Media Player 11 and Office 2007
- NEW! Automatically eliminates errors in the file system
- NEW! Allows for simple clean-up of your disk drives
- NEW! Deletes sensitive data using the secure DoD 5220.22-M and Gutmann methods
- IMPROVED! Gives you intelligent tips to optimize your hardware and software
- IMPROVED! Speeds up your system startup
- IMPROVED! Scans your system for settings that might be slowing it down and corrects them
- Reliably and completely removes unnecessary applications including their registry entries
- Offers optimum Internet and system settings for every type of user
- Defragments the Windows registry
- Restores accidentally deleted files
- Speeds up your Internet connection


SonyEricsson - 50 theme (240x320)

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